Workflow Design, Logic Synthesis and Multi Level Logic Minimization

First let me try and tell you what I am babbeling on about.

What is logic synthesis?  According to Wikipedia Logic synthesis is a process by which an abstract form of desired circuit behavior (typically register transfer level (RTL) or behavioral) is turned into a design implementation in terms of logic gates.

What is Multi Level Logic Minimization?  Well once we have reduced a circuit into gates MLLM uses a series of computer algorithms to redesign the circuit using as few gates as possible.

Why should I mention this in the workflow blog?  Well first off workflow design and circuit design are VERY similar.  You only need to look at the and see how so many of the patterns are common logic circuit gates.  Second with the uptake of workflow software I think that workflows may become more complicated because the added power will allow people to create more complicated and more variable business rules (but that is a different debate).  In addition workflow systems are being used to handle larger and larger systems with more and more integration.  So effectively our workflow circuitry is getting bigger.  This means it will become more and more difficult for a mean mortal to optimize the workflow.  This is where MLLM steps in. 

Imaging one day having a system that does the requirements gathering from the users and then hitting a magic button and a workflow system is created.  This created system is not an electronic version of the current ‘AS IS’ process but a 100% optimized and re-designed system.  The time delay from when a business decision maker makes a business decision could be non-existent…..maybe I am just dreaming.